50.00 Custom Stress Management/Gift Certificates
90 minute session to introduce you to hypnosis/trance and develop customized stress management suggestions for a recorded trance session. Mp3 recording is provided for reinforcement.
Limited Time Only
Gift Certificates:
We can’t even imagine a better gift for someone you love than Hypnosis Sessions but then, we might be biased. In our humble opinion, the gift of Hypnosis is second only to be able to give DIRECTLY GIVE THE GIFT of less stress, better emotional stability, building better habits, feeling more confident, enhancing performance, experiencing less pain, etc (for a complete list, visit us at https://www.tampabayhypnotherapy.com/help-me-with).
The question you will want to ask yourself before purchasing a gift certificate is this:
Does this person WANT CHANGE but seems unable to do so on their own?
Is this person OPEN to the IDEA of HYPNOSIS?
Now a single session of Hypnosis is a very enjoyable and useful experience for most people. Most challenges will do even better with 3 sessions. Obviously, some concerns are more significant and may take a few more sessions. Gift Certificates can also be purchased for paid courses with discounts applying for registrations of 2 or more.
We are always happy to offer a FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULT with YOU, or with the person you would like to gift, if you are not sure. Just send us a note through the Appointment page and we can schedule a quick phone call...
https://www.tampabayhypnotherapy.com/appointmentsTampaBayHypnotherapy, LLC reserves the right to decline services to anyone if Hypnotherapy services are believed to be contraindicated. Some services may require a physician’s involvement.