If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that my crystal ball is broken and the Magic 8 ball is not reliable at all.
By the time you are reading this, the US Presidential Election will have happened and we will all be well into planning our COVID, and election, impacted holidays.
Indeed, 2020 is a year of unprecedented experiences.
Pairing the words “Holidays” and “Conflict” is a good example of things than are unprecedented, usually we are talking “Gratitude” and “Peace” this time of year. Unfortunately, tensions are high and interpersonal conflicts seem exacerbated this year.
And so, it seemed useful, as we head into the post election experience, winter and the holidays that we might offer some tips and trance work for handling conflict better. Join us for our FREE Monthly Meetup, "Handling Holiday Conflict Better-Hypnosis and Life Mastery” https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/273662667/
Our affiliate offers over 33 hypnosis downloads to help IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS the EASY WAY; “Asserting Yourself”, “Overcoming Shyness”, “Speak Clearly", “Starting Conversations”, “Dealing with Difficult People” and so much more. Most are less than 15.00 and they are still 50% OFF.
With 1000’s of titles, hypnosis audio downloads MAKE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS. You have nothing to lose and much to gain! https://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/communication-skills?6081!top100
“Gratitude” is one powerful resource for mitigating holiday stress and conflict. If you would like our FREE HYPNOSIS RECORDING “A Trance to Enhance Gratitude”, just send us a note through the website https://www.tampabayhypnotherapy.com. We love to “infect” you with a wonderful attitude of gratitude!
We are also offering $50.00 OFF our “Accelerated Stress Management Session” via videoconferencing until the end of the year. A powerful single session that includes a customized hypnosis recording. Now there is a unique gift that keeps on giving, for yourself, or someone you really care about.
Wishing you all peace and good health…