“WHAT IF?” is a powerfully suggestive phrase, that focuses and stimulates the imagination… and imagination, of course, is the prerequisite to much of our lives. Good, bad or indifferent-what we imagine as possible is pretty much we allow ourselves to experience.
What IF?
I begin today to know myself as the kind of person who gets things done NOW?
What IF?
I develop such love for self-discipline, that “getting things done” feels better than ice cream?
What IF?
My intentions and my attention were aligned so that moving forward on my goals is easy?
What IF?
Hypnosis can help with “putting off” my old procrastination habit?
After all, the old unconscious “habit” of procrastinating, is only a function of your imagination anyway. You don’t really have to wait anymore…taking it one step at a time…
Join us for our FREE April Meet Up “Putting Off Procrastination”. Mark your calendars NOW because in May we will focus on dealing with “Change and Uncertainty” and in June we will do a presentation on the use of “Hypnosis in Medicine and Health”.
And to the Goddesses in Waiting-WAIT NO MORE-we are opening up the Salon again!Our next ORIENTATION TO THE GODDESS SALON is scheduled for May 8th-seats are limited. Come join us to find out what all the buzz is about…
If you are really ready to get started on something special- one day “MasterMind Training” is coming up-this class is like getting the “Owners Manual for Your Mind”-giving you the keys to create a life you absolutely love.
Oh and it is EXAM TIME again-hypnosis IS a learning state but did you know that hypnosis can really help you or a loved one focus better, make better use of your study time, and perform better when taking tests? Your low-cost class is full but you can still check out some our very low-cost hypnosis recordings for titles related to academic, performance and productivity success!
Hope your Spring is in FULL BLOOM…