It’s just not fair.
This is/they are “wrong”.
Recess privileges have been revoked for all of us,
because a few kids can not, or will not…
Behave cooperatively.
It does not matter what side of the room you are on, the view is the same.
Overwhelm, powerlessness, fear and frustration.
America 2020. And anger is erupting across the nation.
Keeping us divided.
It is a message of threat perceived, of a boundary crossed.
It gives us the energy to respond to the threat.
It’s what we do with that energy that defines us.
Being the change you want to see in the world means you have to harness that energy, and direct it towards what you CAN do.
We encourage assertiveness over aggression.
To encourage effective channeling of the anxiety, frustration and anger so many of us are experiencing right now, our FREE monthly Meet Up is “Anger Management: Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/271623426/?isFirstPublish=true
We will be sharing a hypnotic meditation from our affiliate “Keep a Cool Head”, a foundational piece from our affiliates’ “10 Steps to Absolute Assertiveness”.
“Absolute Assertiveness” is 50% off during the pandemic, making it extremely affordable-cheaper than a live session! With hypnosis titles like “Setting Boundaries”, “Saying “No””, “Overcoming Feelings of Inferiority” “Overcome Fear of Conflict” and more. https://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/10-steps/assertiveness
We are going into the 15th week of our FREE COVID19 Support Group, on-line every Thursday from 9:30-11am. This is an open, “drop-in” group for anyone who just wants to connect and participate in some hypnotic meditations to help manage their experience during this unprecedented event in our history.
As a FREE gift (not even an email address required!); here is a link to a FEAR REDUCTION hypnotic meditation from a recent Support Group Session. Hope it helps you have a better day. https://www.tampabayhypnotherapy.com/audiofiles/ATrancetoEnhance/FearReduction.m4a
Please remember, We have more in common than what divides us. You matter and you can change the world for the better, it’s starts with you.
Stay well, Tamera