“I want my life back!”
That is what I keep hearing myself, and my clients, say these days.Maybe you can relate.
Now-one day, all of this will be a paragraph in a history book…ok maybe a whole page…maybe a whole chapter. We really are living through unprecedented change on a global scale and all of us are effected. Paradigms are shifting and it is destabilizing, disorienting, and depleting.
If you are feeling tired, frustrated and worn out by all this “chaos” in the world at large,or even just all the change in your own personal world,YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Come recharge with us at our FREE “Inner Strength-Hypnosis and Life Mastery” Meetup. It’s on-line, its easy, its free. And who knows, maybe you will leave feeling a renewed sense of your own power to handle these challenging times. August 13, 7-8:30pm. https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/272205205/
Or maybe to even grow from this disruption to your life.
Like a friend of mine, who has used the past few months to explore a new facet of his skills, creating trance inducing music and videos which he shares for FREE at “Happy Fool’s Meditation”. Check out his “Binaural Beats for Sleep”. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-yfcNMxnbDR_TWOJJRUCg
Because good self-care is critical right now. We are STILL doing the FREE COVID19 Support Group, this is an open, on-line space to take care of yourself. Every Thursday morning, 9:30-11. Everyone is invited. https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/
We hear you-Lots of you are calling because of the changes to your eating habits since the pandemic began. Our affiliate offers a wide range of hypnosis downloads for all manner of food related issues, like “Stop Snacking Today - Instinctively”.https://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/weight-loss/stop-snacking?6081!top100
If a hypnosis download does not generate the change you are seeking, you may want to explore more individualized work to resolve whatever is blocking you from integrating the download’s suggestions. We are still offering 50.00 OFF Virtual sessions; email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a free phone consultation.
Lastly, we want to remind you all to take charge of your life where you can, and that includes exercising your right to VOTE. I cannot say this enough-to not vote IS a vote. Visit votepinellas.com to register or request mail in ballots before August 8th.
Stay strong, Tamera