personal development

  • An Introduction to Hypnosis-Free Educational Group

    This FREE educational group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of alternating months and is open to the public and INTENDED FOR PEOPLE NEW TO EXPLORING HYPNOSIS.

    Hypnotic approaches have been used to promote health and healing across cultures and for thousands of years. Yet myths and misconceptions about Hypnosis abound in popular culture. It is the purpose of this group to provide accurate information about hypnosis, answer questions you might have, and provide an introductory experience to trance work.

    Unresolved emotional, psychological and even physical discomfort not satisfactorily addressed by traditional approaches may benefit from the "change in mind and heart" that hypnosis offers. Come learn more about the history, techniques, approaches and data supporting the use of hypnosis in the clinical and medical arena, and why more and more major medical centers are incorporating hypnosis into their work. Is it right for you? An optional guided imagery exercise is offered at the end of each presentation.

    Please check our schedule at Meet Up for the next presentation. You can register there or email us directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • FREE Hypnosis Meet Up-January 2017 “Hypnosis and Life Mastery: Resolutions that Work!”

    January 12th, Acupuncture and herbal Therapies

    It’s New Year Resolution time again and most of us already know that "resolution making" is the easy part of change. Deciding what you want (what you resolve to do) is important, clarity about your goals is Step #1 in making any change.

    Step #2-Implementing those resolutions in a way that can be maintained, without a lot of suffering, that is the "hard part".

    But change can be easy, resolutions can be met, when you have the right tools. We will share some tips on making changes that work,  by "hacking" your unconscious with techniques from the  hypnotic arts and offer a trance to support such changes...

    Join us! You can register here!
  • FREE Hypnosis Meet Up-Radical Self-Love; Hypnosis and Life Mastery

    Thursday, February 9, 2017
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

    Acupuncture and Herbal Therapies
222 2nd St N, St Petersburg, FL

    It’s February- the month of celebrating LOVE - of Valentine’s, and we are inviting YOU to RENEW YOUR LOVE AFFAIR- with yourself!


    It is said we cannot love others until we love ourselves first and we will have an open discussion about the subject. Barriers to self-love will be presented, as well as simple strategies to becoming “better friends” with ourselves. The evening’s trancework is intended to positively strengthen that relationship.

    Join us by registering at Meet Up site.
  • FREE HYPNOSIS MEETUP-Manifesting and Hypnosis-December 2015

    It is the Season of "Hope" and we are going to drink deeply from that wellspring-the human capcity to HOPE.

    We will discuss what HOPE is, why it is so vital to our wellbeing and what HOPE does for us. Please, feel free to bring your stories of HOPE as a resource to share with/inspire the rest of us. Or maybe you will just use it as a tool for yourself in the trancework tonight.

    The evenings trance will focus of channeling that HOPE, through metaphor, into a clear vision for the holidays, the New Year or any other area of your life you might wish to turn your HOPE towards. And as all good mindartists know-clarity has power.

    Let's celebrate another wonderful year of community,of learning and living and growing and giving. Bring a dish to share if you would like. Tamera will provide serving setup and some light snacks.

  • FREE-An Introduction to Self Hypnosis-Safety Harbor Public Library-January 2016

    Self-Hypnosis for Stress Management and Personal Change: An Introduction

    Saturday, January 16th, 2016


    Safety Harbor Public Library

    101 2nd Street North

    Safety Harbor, FL 34695


    Hypnosis is a subject with a long history full of mystery, mystic and misconceptions but the truth is, it is happening all around you everyday and it has been around a long time because it works! In this free community presentation, you learn more about the history of hypnosis, distinguish the “hype” from the reality, and learn what you can do with this marvelous tool for change. Whether you want a more focused, emotionally grounded state-of-mind on command, or are interested in using it for personal change with your unwanted habits, thoughts, or feelings, we will learn specific steps to using hypnosis for yourself, developing effective hypnotic suggestions, and have opportunities for hypnotic experiences to get you started!

  • Master Mind Training: Self-Hypnosis for Personal Change

    Master Mind Training: Self-Hypnosis for Personal Change

    Unlock the hidden power of your Mind

    In this life-changing experiential workshop, you will explore your unconscious mind and learn powerful techniques for tapping into its unlimited potential to CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT. Tools for rewiring unwanted reactions and for harnessing your mind’s natural creative forces will be explained and practiced.

    Want to discover ways to have a happier, healthier you?

    This workshop is for you!

    Your current reality is the cumulative result of your habits of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. When you think something often enough, it becomes a belief; often a hidden belief, that you no longer even realize that you have. They have become “automatic”. These automatic habits are fine-until they are no longer working for your benefit and become obstacles to a happy life.

    For some of us, our automatic habits of thought, feeling and behaviors seem to be running our lives and we “react” in ways we wish we could change. Stress, anxiety, discouragement, self-limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors have become the norm. Just about everyone has something they wish they could do differently.

    If you could change anything, what would you change about yourself?

    This workshop will teach you to explore and adjust those automatic habits right where they began, and right where they live: in your creative unconscious mind.

    Using proven tools of the most contemporary neuroscience, such as meditation, mindfulness and hypnosis, you will learn how to re-wire your own mind to better:

    • Reduce anxiety, sadness and unproductive stress.
    • Breakthrough states of “stuck-ness”.
    • Improve resiliency and control in handling difficult emotions.
    • Develop connections to your own powerful, positive internal resources and harness them to create more success, motivation, focus, optimism, and confidence in your life.
    • Change unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviors easily and permanently.
    • Improve relationships with self, family, friends, clients, peers.
    • Clarify your purpose, passion and deepest values.

“Master your Mind- Master Your Life”

Held at : Touchstone Studios, 926 16th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida. Tuesdays, beginning January 26th from 6-7:30pm. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. $199.00 per person. $50.00 OFF 2 or more registrations, or $50.00 OFF Military/Family Members.

  • Reinvent yourself and discover a new you! From Hypnosis Downloads

    In keeping with outr theme of "Personal Revolutions", this month's featured trance from our Hypnosis Download Affiliate is all about exploring new ways of being and wht we KNOW is that exploring alternatives is the begining of intentional CHANGE and GROWTH.!top100

    Hypnosis can help you escape your pigeon-hole, climb out of your rut and reinvent yourself in surprising ways Have you been feeling that's time for a real change in your life, but not sure how to go about it? Do you feel constrained and limited by the expectations of other people?

    Whether you do what you do because it's what you've always done, or because it's what people ‘expect' of you, you can end up dissatisfied. Is this all there is to life? Is this the end of your potential?

    Is it really possible to recreate and reinvent yourself?

    Of course, as soon as you start to think about this, your common sense tells you that there is no end to life's possibilities. You can consciously think up any number of things that you could be doing, or ways that you could be as a person, all quite different from what you do now. But when it comes to making any of these alternatives real, you might understandably hesitate.

    What would it be like to do X? How would my family or friends or colleagues react if I started being Y? Would I really enjoy it? Would they all disown me? Would I know who I am any more? These are unsettling questions, and sometimes we get so unsettled by them that we just put them aside and continue as before. At least we know what we'll get from that.

    But the fact that you're reading this page indicates, at the very least, that some dissatisfaction with your status quo is eating at you. Maybe the way people have ‘always' labeled you is chafing. Maybe you harbor a secret dream that you long to fulfill. Maybe you just want to see what you can do when you put your mind to it. But how do you go about making a potentially major change like that?

    Hypnosis can make it so much easier to change your life R

    einvent yourself is an audio hypnosis session created by experienced psychologists with an in-depth understanding of the way humans really grow and develop. As you let yourself get carried away into deep trance, you'll discover that;

    • you can safely and fully explore alternative realities you can experience different ways of being and ‘try them on for size' you can ‘test' what you want to do and ‘walk through' the results

    when you've decided what you want to do, you can rehearse how that will be until you feel really ready to make a start you really can change your life

    Download Reinvent yourself and look forward to enjoying life in a whole new way.

  • Self Hypnosis-Unlock the hidden power of your Mind-1 Day Workshop

    In this life-changing experiential workshop, you will explore your unconscious mind and learn powerful techniques for tapping into its unlimited potential to CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT. Tools for rewiring unwanted reactions and for harnessing your mind’s natural creative forces will be explained and practiced.

    Want to discover ways to have a happier, healthier you?

    This workshop is for you!

    Your current reality is the cumulative result of your habits of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. When you think something often enough, it becomes a belief; often a hidden belief, that you no longer even realize that you have. They have become “automatic”. These automatic habits are fine-until they are no longer working for your benefit and become obstacles to a happy life.

    For some of us, our automatic habits of thought, feeling and behaviors seem to be running our lives and we “react” in ways we wish we could change. Stress, anxiety, discouragement, self-limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors have become the norm. Just about everyone has something they wish they could do differently.

    If you could change anything, what would you change about yourself?

    This workshop will teach you to explore and adjust those automatic habits right where they began, and right where they live: in your creative unconscious mind.

    Using proven tools of the most contemporary neuroscience, such as meditation, mindfulness and hypnosis, you will learn how to re-wire your own mind to better:

    • Reduce anxiety, sadness and unproductive stress.
    • Breakthrough states of “stuck-ness”.
    • Improve resiliency and control in handling difficult emotions.
    • Develop connections to your own powerful, positive internal resources and harness them to create more success, motivation, focus, optimism, and confidence in your life.
    • Change unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviors easily and permanently.
    • Improve relationships with self, family, friends, clients, peers.
    • Clarify your purpose, passion and deepest values.

    "If you are Ready for Change...Change Your Mind, Your Life Will Follow"

    Held at : Touchstone Studios, 926 16th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida.

    Next Class: Saturday, May 21st, 2016 from 9am-4pm.

    $100.00 per person. $25.00 OFF 2 or more registrations, or $25.00 OFF Military/Family Members.

    Seats are limited to 7.

    Register via MeetUp or email us directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    "It’s like finally getting the “Owner’s Manual” to your own mind."

  • Staying Cool in Conflict-TBHT September 2019 Newsletter

    I had a professor who confessed he often purposefully “ran out of gas” on a second date, to see how his date responded to a “crisis”. It was more important to him than her appearance.

    Because it is nice when we are all getting along, is it not? When human interactions; whether at home, in schools, at the workplace, even in politics...are harmonious, it’s easy.

    But truth is, if you interact with other people, you are going to have conflict.

    Tempers will flare, buttons get pushed, boundaries are crossed…fight or flight can kick into high gear and most of us just “react”.

    AND the real measure of who we are, individually, in our relationships, as a culture and even, as a species, is how we manage discord with others.

    >How do YOU handle conflict?

    If there is room for improvement in your conflict management skills, perhaps you will want to join us for our FREE Meet Up,“Better Conflict Management: Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. September 12th.

    Now, no one wants to be a doormat in conflict-so our featured Hypnosis audio download this month is “Hypnotic Assertiveness Training” ($14.95). For just a few bucks more you can get a hypnosis audio to “Stay Calm with THAT person”.

    The recordings for last month’s Meet Up “Loving Exercise with Hypnosis” are now available. Completely FREE-your feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Just send us a note through the website, or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    If you, or someone you know, is ready to end their conflict with smoking-please know, we are on your side. Every month we offer a 2 session group to make it easy to release tobacco, “Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis” ($200.00).

    A GREAT GIFT IDEA for the upcoming HOLIDAY IF the person is already saying they want to quit.

    Hypnotists and hypnosis enthusiasts…The Hypnosis Education Association of Florida’s Conference is lining up to be interesting! Sure hope you keep room for it in your schedule! November 8-10th.

    To every life impacted September 11th, 2001-and with concern for the deeply polarized rhetoric of our current times…wishing you all peaceful resolutions. Tamera

  • Staying Cool When It’s Hot-TBHT September 2019 Newsletter

    I had a professor who confessed he often purposefully “ran out of gas” on a second date, to see how his date responded to a “crisis”. It was more important to him than her appearance.

    Because it is nice when we are all getting along, is it not? When human interactions; whether at home, in schools, at the workplace, even in politics...are harmonious, it’s easy.

    But truth is, if you interact with other people, you are going to have conflict.

    Tempers will flare, buttons get pushed, boundaries are crossed…fight or flight can kick into high gear and most of us just “react”.

    AND the real measure of who we are, individually, in our relationships, as a culture and even, as a species, is how we manage discord with others.

    >How do YOU handle conflict?

    If there is room for improvement in your conflict management skills, perhaps you will want to join us for our FREE Meet Up, “Better Conflict Management: Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. September 12th.

    Now, no one wants to be a doormat in conflict-so our featured Hypnosis audio download this month is “Hypnotic Assertiveness Training” ($14.95). For just a few bucks more you can get a hypnosis audio to “Stay Calm with THAT person”.

    The recordings for last month’s Meet Up “Loving Exercise with Hypnosis” are now available. Completely FREE-your feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Just send us a note through the website, or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    If you, or someone you know, is ready to end their conflict with smoking-please know, we are on your side. Every month we offer a 2 session group to make it easy to release tobacco, “Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis” (200.00).

    A GREAT GIFT IDEA for the upcoming HOLIDAY IF the person is already saying they want to quit.

    Hypnotists and hypnosis enthusiasts…The Hypnosis Education Association of Florida’s Conference is lining up to be interesting! Sure hope you keep room for it in your schedule! November 8-10th.

    To every life impacted September 11th, 2001-and with concern for the deeply polarized rhetoric of our current times…wishing you all peaceful resolutions. Tamera

  • Welcome to 2016! NOW is the Time for Change!

    “This thing all things devours:

    Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

    Gnaws iron, bites steel;

    Grinds hard stones to meal;

    Slays king, ruins towns;

    And beats high mountain down.”

    From “The Hobbit” by J.R.R, Tolkien, One of Gollum’s riddles for Bilbo.

    The answer of course, is TIME.

    And what is a New Year but a reminder that time is always moving ahead, whether you are consciously attending to it or not. Time waits for no one and you will only have so much of it.

    Your PAST created your NOW and your NOW is creating your FUTURE, with each tick-tock of the clock. As experts in change, we know that NOW is always a great time to make changes but a lot of us like to start change with a New Year. The celebration of a New Year serves as a nice “ritual” for initiating changes and can be a perfect anchor for change in the vast seas of time.

    So if you made resolutions for change this New Year,

    BEST WISHES with your 2016 RESOLUTIONS

    but have a PLAN FOR SUCCESS!

    We can help you make those changes easy and permanent. Events this month include our FREE MeetUp on "Self-Hypnosis for Stress Management and Personal Change, An Introduction", and an FREE expanded version of Self-Hypnosis at the Safety Harbor Public Library. Both offer highlights from our NEW course Mind-Mastery Training: Self-Hypnosis for Personal Change.

    Till next time-Here’s to New Beginnings! and a A Happy and prosperous New Year to all of you!


  • FREE Hypnosis Consultation

    Get your no obligation, FREE 1/2 hour phone consultation.

    Schedule Now

    Contact Info


    Tampa Bay HypnoTherapy
    2961 1st Avenue North, Suite B
    St. Petersburg, Florida 33713


    (727) 543-7556


    Email Us

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    Try Tampa Bay Hypnotherpay's FREE sample relaxation audio.

    Why Tampa Bay Hypnotherapy

    Tamera is…

    A true believer in the resiliency and self organizing capacity of the human spirit, Tamera continually studies philosophy, culture, Read More…

    Tamera's Vision

    Tam is an accomplished communicator with children, adolescents, teens, adults and seniors. She works with individuals, couples, families, Read More…

    Highly qualified medical hypnotherapist

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    Hypnosis Related Training and Education

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    Organizations and Affiliations

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